贵阳学校作为为明学校的一个办学分支,也积极探索着国际化办学的发展道路。应广大家长的诚情之邀,我校于11月15日邀请了来自于美国密歇根州代表团合作学校的石津高中校长Adam Burholder先生以及特拉弗斯学监Jayne Mohr女士莅临我校开展为明国际项目推介以及国际高中考生的模拟面试。
国际项目推介会中,为明学校国际部冯冀军老师围绕为什么选择留学?为什么选择美国留学?为什么选择密歇根?为什么选择为明?做了深入浅出的剖析,让家长们熟知了纯正的语言环境、全面的素质教育、完善的课程体系、多元的文化熏陶对孩子教育成长以及终生发展的重要性。随后,Adam Burholder先生以及Jayne Mohr女士根据各自学校的优势特色,呈现了各自的为明学子在校园中健康成长、快乐学习、生活的画面,展现了密歇根合作学校优雅、舒适的地理环境,安定、和谐的人文环境以及求索、探真的学术环境,让有意通过为明学校步入国际求学道路的贵阳学子心生向往。
最后,在国际部教师以及两位外国校长的引领下,我校数十名国际班优秀学子参与国际招生模拟面试,围绕Why do you choose our school? What are you worried about studying in America? What is the easiest or the most difficult thing for you in right now?What are the bigggest differences in studying between Chinese and America?等诸多问题,美国校长与我校学子进行了活跃而生动的有益探讨。我校学子流利的口语表达、开阔的国际视野让美国校长以及为明国际部教师们甚为关注。为下一阶段我校与美国高中合作,输送相当数量的优质生源进入美国名牌高中学习奠定了坚实的基础,为落实我校“创办中美教育优势融合的新型学校,培养具有中国灵魂,世界眼光的现代人”的教育理念注入了强劲动力!
徐扬华校长与Mr Adam Burholder亲切握手 | 徐扬华校长与Miss Jayne Mohr交换名片 |
徐扬华校长宣讲 | Mr Adam Burholder宣讲 |
Miss Jayne Mohr宣讲 | 与现场国际班学子亲切互动 |
模拟面试现场 | 面试席 |
Miss Jayne Mohr面试八年级国际班学子夏坤仪 | Mr Adam Burholder面试九年级国际班学子吴淞锴 |
与会家长认真聆听 | Mr Adam Burholder与学生、家长合影留念 |
校传媒中心小记者模拟面试现场跟踪采访 | 校传媒中心小记者采访Mr Adam Burholder |
校门外合影留念 |
Mr Adam Burholderand and Miss Jayne Mohr went to Guiyang Weiming Experimental School on November 15th, 2013.The students with the headmasters had a discussion about the high school in America.
At about 9 o’clock, the headmasters arrived in school, they first visited the school and then talked with students’ parents. After that, they had a mock interview, Miss Jayne Mohr asked four questions to the students in the school library.
The first question: Why do you choose our school?The second question: What are you worried about? The third question: What is the easiest and the most difficult in school right now? The fourth question: What are the biggest differences in studying between Chinese and American? The students used their wonderful English words to answer the questions, and the headmasters talked about their school. During the interview, the headmaster said too many things about their schools. For example, the school have many programs such as robots program and some programs about math science and so on, students can choose their favorite programs to learn. The school will let the students go to the school before the term begins for one to two weeks, during the days ,the students will play with their new friends and know the ways from the school well. And at the beginning of the first term, the school will give the new students a special class like language class. And the school also give students different exams if they are not interested in the subjects. From the interview, we know that now there are 14 Chinese students in that school, and about 50 students from all over the world. They all live in their host families. The school will be very safe because they won’t let the people who don’t belong to the school in, so everyone should not worried about the school shooting.
After the mock interview, the school reporters asked the headmasters some questions. And one of the headmasters——Mr Adam Burholderand said that he was proud of the students there, and we were lucky because we had such a beautiful school and good teachers, he hoped we could work harder. He also said he liked the students who are hard-working, outgoing, and never give up.
From this interview, more students will know about the high schools in America, and maybe there will be more students choosing the American high schools.
At the beginning of the interview, I felt very nervous. But when I saw Miss Jayne Mohr , I felt very relaxed. We sat around the her, she asked us four questions, she smiled to us. At that moment, I thought the headmaster was a friendly people. During the interview, she told us many things about her high school and I knew some differences between Chinese education and American education. I was excited. I want to study in her high school, I believe that it must be a good school, the teachers can help me to study more and I can make my dream come true. I am going to study English harder, I hope that I can study abroad in the future.