比尔·盖茨花了三十年时间,在追求梦想的道路上走完了“一半”的路程。此时,在职业生涯剩下的若干年里,他是否能圆满地完成他的目标已经不再重要了,因为现在世界上已经有成千上万的人在追随和分享着他的梦想。比尔·盖茨的理想之路同样值得钦佩。 梦想是蝴蝶的翅膀,有了它才有了翩翩起舞的舞姿;梦想是指路的航灯,有了它才有了抵达彼岸的成功;梦想是心灵的滋润,有了它才有了充实丰盈的人生。梦想因生命而存在,生命因梦想而永恒。生命因有了梦想而美丽,梦想因有了生命而灿烂。哲人曾说过:“太阳升起来总会落下去,太阳落下去还会升起来,这就是生活的真谛。因为执着于梦想,而变得不平凡。因为梦想,小溪汇成了大海;因为梦想,期盼到春的绿叶;因为梦想,人类助长了山峰的高度。让我们站在地平线上,构筑梦想吧,我们将会是大海,绿叶,站在山顶的那个就会是我们。
英文版: Everyone has a dream, and it is what everyone desires. Without a dream , our life will be empty. Having a dream, life will be colorful; Having a dream, life will be full of pursuits; Having a dream, life will be filled
with future goals; Having a dream, life will be powerful and energetic.
When Bill Gates visited the experiment middle school affiliated to Beijing normal university, a high school
student asked him” what's your dream?” Bill Gates said "In my childhood, my dream is to make a perfect tool for the computer, and it is also
the pursuit of my life. Now, I have covered half the distance. I hope that when I finally finished the work ,
I can realize such a dream."
During 30 years, Bill Gates has already finished half of the road on the way of pursuing his dream.
However, at this moment, in the remaining years of his career, whether he can successfully achieve his
goal or not, it is no longer important, because thousands of people in the world follow and share his dreams.
Bill Gates, the road to the ideal is also admirable.
Dream is the wings of a butterfly, it can make us fly with the helping of the wings ; Dream is the navigation
lamp, it can make us arrive at the shore successfully; Dream is the heart of the moist, it can enrich our life
Dream is existence because of life, life is eternal because of dreams. Because having a dream, beautiful life,
dream for the life and brilliant. Philosopher said: "the sun always falls down, the sun will rise, this is the true
meaning of life
Because of sticking to the dream, life becomes extraordinary; because of dream, streams converge
into the sea; because of dream, looking forward to the spring green leaves; because of dream, humans
contribute to the height of the mountain. Let's stand on the horizon, build a dream, we will be the sea,
and green leaves, we would be standing on the top of the mountain.